Sunday, January 5, 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a restful vacation. I enjoyed time with my family and read some great books!

Literacy Focus: Last week we started writing about our personal learning goals or resolutions for the new year. I am so impressed with the goals the children are choosing! 

Next, we will be starting a focus on nonfiction texts in our read alouds. We will be learning about Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, and Ruby Bridges. We will be discussing how one person can make a difference. 

Math  Focus:
 The class continues to work hard on learning math facts! We work 15 minutes everyday to try to increase our speed and additive reasoning. Our class works so hard and takes the concept of perseverance very seriously. They push themselves very hard to reach and then surpass these goals. Make sure to check in with your child and  have them tell you what level they are on. By the end of this month they should be on level E. 
We are also continuing our unit on data and analysis. Throughout the unit we are conducting surveys, creating graphs that represent the data, and then analyzing the data.

This week we are starting a unit that looks at what organisms need to survive. We have some exciting stuff coming up in this unit! Stay tuned!

Social Thinking:
Some of you have asked about the mindfulness we do in the classroom. This is the website we use.

 Classroom News
On Monday our student teacher from UVM will be starting. Jenn Borowski is from UVM and will be in our room through April. 

Next week I'll share some pictures of the data work we are doing in math. I think you will be impressed!

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