Friday, February 16, 2018

100th day, Valentine's Day, and more!

Important Dates
February 19 - Library
February 26-March 6 - No School

Another great week with lots of learning and fun!

This week we went to the Vermont Food Bank Veggie Vango for the first time. The kids did great but a couple grabbed a little too much to carry. The kids were very appropriate most saying, "Thank you," when receiving the food. I plan on bringing the class to the food bank on the scheduled dates. For more information:

We celebrated the 100th Day of School on Monday. One of the activities we did was to read 100 books! Here is a picture of the list we made of the 100 books!

Valentine's Day was a fun but quick celebration! Since we had just an early release, we weren't able to do a lot of activities but we did enjoy opening all the Valentine's Day cards.

I sent home a book order form today. Here is the online link in case you want to do your order online: Scholastic Book Order. Our online code is DZPMV. Please get your order in by Friday, February 23.

We are almost done with our unit about becoming experts at nonfiction. The students are examining nonfiction books and thinking about the decisions the author made when writing the book. This critical thinking is then applied to their own writing of nonfiction books. The class has written books ranging from gymnastics, sports, cats, Nepal, Somali words, and more!

We have started our unit on place value. During this unit, the students will be learning how to break apart 2 digit numbers. This week we used tens frames to represent 2 digit numbers. Next week we will be introducing base 10 blocks.

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