Important Dates:
Monday, October 16 - library
Wednesday, October 18 - Early Release
Wednesday, October 18 5:30 PTO meeting
Thursday and Friday October 19. 20 - No School
Wow! This class works so hard! I am amazed by all the work they do and how hard they push their brains.
One day this week we earned 189 hearts! Another day we earned 188 hearts! Unfortunately, I had to stop counting the hearts because children are putting the hearts in their mouths. We have been talking about how when you put a heart in your mouth and then put it in the heart jar, the germs go on all the hearts. We are working hard at not spreading germs. Once that habit stops I will get back to counting hearts.
We finished the book One this week. Oh how I love this book. After reading the book, we watched a class act it out and then we acted it out too.We also have done quite a bit of writing in our writing journals about the book.Finally we ended the week by working on a project based on the story. I love this book. The kids did too.
We also discussed the different ways and places people like to read. We have been trying out places in the room to see what works best for each of us. We then made an anchor chart showing the different
places we all like to read.
We also have started Word Study. We learn spelling during this time of the day through the Fundations program. This program is highly interactive plus I am making most of the lessons on the smartboard. The kids love using technology in their learning.
We've continued our work of understanding ways to represent our thinking and connecting our representation to the equation. The number line is our new math tool that we are exploring. The number line is another way for mathematicians to represent their thinking. Exposing students to a variety of math tools helps students become more flexible with their mathematical thinking.
We've continued our work of understanding ways to represent our thinking and connecting our representation to the equation. The number line is our new math tool that we are exploring. The number line is another way for mathematicians to represent their thinking. Exposing students to a variety of math tools helps students become more flexible with their mathematical thinking.
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