Saturday, April 30, 2016

April 30. 2016

Important Dates and Reminders:

Tuesday: Library 
May 10: Field Trip to Shelburne Farms
May 13: Field Trip to Flynn
May 25: Delayed Start
May 30: No School

We had a great week back from vacation. The students worked so hard in all subject areas! Super readers, writers, and mathematicians!

We finished up another fiction unit. Throughout this unit we worked on ways to talk about books and how to sound like a story teller when you read. I can tell you that everyone sounds like a storyteller! It gets pretty exciting during independent reading time! On Friday everyone created a character hat. Each student chose a character and then decorate their hat to represent that character. I think they would have worked on those hats all day long.

This place value math unit pushes the students' thinking and  they are loving it! We are discovering different ways to represent numbers while thinking about them using tens and ones. We also have started to work on telling  time to the hour and half hour. As usual, we do a lot of partner work and hands on activities to help the mathematicians make connections in their learning.

Classroom Fun:
We celebrated Green Up day at school on Friday. The kids did a great job greening up the playground. They filled our trash bag in no time at all! Good team work boys and girls!

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