Classroom News:
March 21 is the fun fair from 4:30-6:30. I'll be running the limbo station. Hope to see you there!
Literacy Focus:
Literacy Focus:
More books by Helen Lester.: Me First and Hooway for Wodney Wat. I love these books! In Hooway for Wodney Wat we read about a shy rat who was able to defeat a bully. The bully was a capybara and we watched a video online to see what a real capybara looks like. Remember The Princess Bride? They look like the ROUS! We watched the first couple of minutes of this video to see a real life capybara that is someone's pet.
Our stories that we are writing ourselves are coming along! We are looking at books as readers and writers and trying to add into our stories some of the author's craft that Helen Lester uses. Ask your child what the words onomatopoeia and epizeuxis mean!
During independent work time, the kids are spending their time immersed in books. We are reading and exploring topics of interest. Some students are even creating there own books based on the information they are learning!
The mathematicians are working so hard! I love the perseverance! We are using what we have learned about using base ten blocks to solve story problems with 2 digit numbers.
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